Look Younger With a Slap in the Face

A slap in the face will stimulate collagen.



This is seen in micro-dermabrasion or other so-called collagen stimulators. It is so temporary that once the initial swelling and/or puffiness is gone, so is the collagen. This usually happens within hours.

Our goal at Academy by Candy is to continue collagen and elastin regeneration far longer than simply a few hours.

With daily use of a properly formulated glycolic acid creme, this is possible.

Why do we want to stimulate collagen?

Remember, by the time we reach 30 we have lost about 50% of our collagen and elastin cells.

Loss of collagen = wrinkles.

Loss of elastin = sagging.

Scary isn’t it? Not any more.

Now, we have proven that Academy glycolic acid, with its small molecular size, can penetrate deep into the level of skin where your collagen and elastin cells are born. This is the basis of anti-aging skincare.

With Academy’s low pH, we are slapping them into reproduction.

Who’s ready for a slap in the face today?


Glycolic Acid, derived from sugar cane, was used by the infamous Cleopatra.

Why did it take us so long to rediscover this amazing anti-aging remedy?

In the beginning, raw glycolic acid produced very irregular,inconsistent results.

Next, the substance was buffered or partially neutralized rendering it ineffective.

What “Academy by Candy” did was  formulate Glycolic Acid maintaining  it’s unbuffered

state (effective state) yet ensuring consistent, even results.

The “Academy” method is truly state of the art!

Thanks, Cleo

Keep following for more skin care tips and remember I’ll be happy to answer your questions too.



Our Goal is to Reverse the Aging Process of the Skin.

We must take that old, thick, dull epidermis and make it thin, translucent and glowing.

Conversely so, we must thicken and firm up the weak, sagging dermal layer

tightening the skin, thereby preventing facial ptosis, hanging jowls, and turkey necks.

So many gimmicks out there! Can we really,

honestly and ethically slow down and even reverse some this aging process?

Keep following for more skin care tips and remember I’ll be happy to answer your questions too.



                 We have learned that the baby’s skin looks so beautiful because it does not have a thick keratin layer or outer of skin enabling the skin to remain  translucent and glowing.

We see that during the aging process, over time,

the outer epidermis becomes thick, clumpy and dull looking.

At the same time and even more aging, the dermal layer becomes thin and looses it’s elasticity and collagen support,

Leaving us with sagging, wrinkled skin!

Next find out what to do about it…

Keep following for more skin care tips and remember I’ll be happy to answer your questions too.
